Why did I switch career?

When Covid 19 hit us, I personally witnessed how it affected many industries. So many businesses were forced to shut down. But interestingly, while many had a negative impact, some industries were booming such as the Tech industry. I realised that those benefited from the pandemic were companies who offered their services through tech devices. Even my mum, who is a taxi driver, gained more customers by up-skilling her knowledge in using mobile apps.
So with technologies creating so much impact, I decided I want to be a part of the team who created these positive impact.

Why DevOps?

Before deciding to switch career, I chanced upon an ads for a program: Launch your Career in Tech. True enough, that was the first time I heard about DevOps. So I googled about it and searched “Why DevOps?” I landed on a page stating the top 10 reasons and number 1 really caught my attention: Everyone can learn DevOps.

With no IT background, I was really intimidated because I couldn’t even score 'B' for English language and now I’m going to learn computer language which is an alien language to me. But then I learned that with the right attitude, interest, and mindset, we can learn almost anything.

Other than that, I chose DevOps because of it's culture and tools:
The DevOps culture promotes better communication and cooperation which I believe is key for the team to move forward. And as for the tools and technologies, it is mind-blowing how you can configure thousands of servers by running a simple command line which maximises efficiency with automation hence optimises the entire business.

One more thing I like about DevOps is the fact that DevOps skills are valuable to the company and I really wish to work hard enough to be an asset to the company.

Digital Presence

Some of my digital footprints where I build my online presence to showcase skills, experience and interests


The place where 73 million developers shape the future of software together. Which is why I am slowly building up my portfolio here.


Having a LinkedIn account allows me to have an online personal brand which makes me visible to key decision makers and recruiters.


Using this platform as a social network where I interact with family and friends. Contents are mostly non-related to work.

Interested to have a chat?

Send me an e-mail at ibrahimhassan.sg@gmail.com